Three decades research activities on Phytoseiulus persimilis A. H. in Iran: a review

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عنوان دوره: سومین کنگره بین المللی حشره شناسی ایران
Agricultural Zoology Research Department, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, AREEO, Tehran, Iran,
Phytoseiulus persimilis was imported to Iran as a classical biological control agent about 3 decades ago. Since then, a great number of biological control and integrated mite management projects have been conducted on its effectiveness at field and greenhouse conditions. During these years, the predatory mite population has been preserved by constant rearing on infested bean varieties (Kantander, indigenous Chitee of loredghan, red) to two spotted spider mite (TSSM), Tetranychus urticae, under controlled condition. Meanwhile, the effect of the predatory mite has been evaluated for controlling T. turkestani on cotton and soybean plants in Golestan province and eggplant and mungbean crops in southern part of Kerman province with satisfactory pest damage reduction. However, releasing P. persimilis to control TSSM on bean plants under low relative humidity and hot conditions failed in Markazi and Charmahal and Baghtiari provinces. Considering the release dose of the predator, the ratio of one predatory mite to 10 prey mites under 25 °C in the greenhouse cucumber resulted successful biocontrol of the TSSM in Varamin region. Simultaneous release of P. persimilis and Nesoseiulus californicus at lower spider mite incidence in greenhouse cucumber when RH was artificially kept above 50% during hot and dry months led to proper mite pests control throughout growing season in greenhouse cucumber (Varamin). Hazardous synthetic and botanical acaricides side effects on the predatory mite revealed that a few of them are applicable in IPM programs where the release of the predator was practiced. Mass rearing of the predatory mite on bean infested by spider mites under controlled condition is an easy and somewhat simple task with cost effective up to 80% in comparison to its importation and it creates job opportunities through development of sustainable control measures in greenhouse crop production which are free from hazardous acaricide residues
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