First record of Cardiochiles pseudofallax Telenga, 1955 (Braconidae: Cardiochilinae) from Iran

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عنوان دوره: سومین کنگره بین المللی حشره شناسی ایران
1Insect Taxonomy Research Dept., Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, AREEO, Tehran, Iran,
2Department of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran,
3Department of Biology, Art and science faculty, Eren Bitlis University, Bitlis, Turkey,
The Cardiochilinae Ashmead, 1900 is a small cosmopolitan subfamily of Braconidae with 216 described species of which 41 species are found in the Palaearctic region. Members of this subfamily are recognizable by their second submarginal cell of the fore wing broad, large and four-sided; metasomal Tergum I with inverted Y-shaped groove; spiracles position on the first laterotergite of the lateral rather than median tergite; laterotergite of petiole not striate; and axilla reduced to a vertical carinate lobe. Wasps of the subfamily Cardiochilinae are solitary koinobiont larval endoparasitoids on Lepidoptera and are considered as potential biocontrol agents for economic pests. In this study, samplings were done using eight Malaise traps from Khuzestan Province: Shoush, Karkheh National Park and Persian Fallow Deer Sanctuary, (32°04′36.5″ N, 48°14′15.6″ E, 45 m a.s.l) during 2014-2016. Among the collected specimens, Cardiochiles pseudofallax Telenga, 1955 was identified as thefirst reored for the founa of Iran. This species distinguished by the following characters: Apical third of fore wing heavily infuscate; propodeum with relatively large areola extending near its basal margin; stem of metasomal T1 0.4× as wide as bulb; median field of T2 2.62× as broad as high; ovipositor sheath 0.8× as long as hind tibia; mesosoma dark. Prior to this study, seven species of Cardiochiles were reported from Iran. All specimens are deposited in the insect collection of Hayk Mizayans Museum, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection.
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