Discovery of a rare chalcid species: Euchalcis hyalipennis Bouček (Hymenoptera: Chacididae) in Iran

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عنوان دوره: سومین کنگره بین المللی حشره شناسی ایران
1Plant Protection Department, College of Agriculture, University of Urmia, Urmia, Iran
2Plant Protection Department, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research & Education Center of East-Azerbaijan, AREEO, Tabriz, Iran
The genus Euchalcis has twelve species worldwide, while only Euchalcis unicolor (Lucas, 1871) has been recorded from Iran. Among the specimens collected from East-Azarbaijan province, Khodafarin (39°01'N & 46°50'E, 400m), using Malaise trap, one male specimen was discovered in 2015. Having a sessile metasoma, apically truncate metatibia, a marginal vein of fore wing along wing margin, presence of postmarginal vein, a transverse and reflexed clypeus, delimited by a dorsal ridge and antennal toruli adjacent to the dorsal margin of the clypeus, a densely setose metacoxa at base, a metatibia with additional carina on outer side and a postmarginal vein clearly longer than the stigmal vein, it was identified under the genus Euchalcis. Consequently, by considering the most important morphological characters it was identified as Euchalcis hyalipennis Bouček. It has been reported from occupied Plastine and Egypt before. Most important morphological characters of this species are as follow: body black, tarsi of the anterior and middle legs red; antennae, legs and lower part of the abdomen reddish brown to black; abdomen not conically elongated; antennae thick, narrowed towards the end; all funicular segments strongly swollen, long, more or less bent; all funicular segments strongly swollen; scutellum strongly arched, dents broad, little distinct; veins yellowish brown; postmarginal vein twice shorter than marginal vein, stigmal vein strongly distant from the anterior margin, three times shorter than the marginal vein. This specimen was deposited in the insect collection of the Department of Plant Protection, East-Azarbaijan Research Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Tabriz, Iran.
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