Effects of feeding with frozen host on the life table parameters of Hippodamia variegata (Goeze) (Col: Coccinellidae)
عنوان دوره: دومین کنگره بین المللی حشره شناسی ایران
Ladybeetles have an important role in the natural control of pests trough their predatory activities. Hippodamia variegata Goeze which is an species with worldwide distribution is abundant in Iran. This ladybeetle can be an effective predator species in the green house condition due to the small size, high searching power and low affinity for cannibalism. The use of this predator in classical biological control programs needs to mass multiplication in the laboratory and semi-field, and also feeding them with basic or intermediate hosts. Due to the high feeding rate in mature and immature stages of predators, providing the food regularly is one of the major problems facing the growers. To acquire detailed information about survival and reproduction capacity of the predator on the frozen host, the biological parameters of this Ladybeetle was studied in controlled laboratory conditions of temperature (25±2ºC, humidity 50 ± 10 %), and photoperiod 16:8 (L: D) while they were fed after hatching for two months with the frozen black bean aphid (stored at -20 for one month) and at the rest of life with live aphids. The data of life table were analyzed using the age-stage, two sex life table program. To calculate the standard errors of life table parameters, the bootstrap method was used. The intrinsic rate of increase (rm), net reproductive rate (R0), mean generation time (T) and the finite rate of increase (λ) were 0.068 ± 0.003 d-1, 119.320± 24.219 offspring, 70.742 ± 0.846 d and 1.070 ± 0.003 d-1, respectively. The results showed that it is possible to keep feed the laeval stages of H.variegata wiht frozen host in the absence of live host to maintain the colony in laboratory conditions.
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