Study of circadian rhythm in energy reserves of Aphis gossypii treated with diazinon

عنوان دوره: دومین کنگره بین المللی حشره شناسی ایران
As there is demand to high energy molecules in insects, consisted of soluble and insoluble carbohydrate (glycogen), lipids and proteins for doing vital activity, it was decided to assess circadian changes of these reserves in Aphis gossypii under least diazinon LD50 treatment at different circadian times to clarify the existence of circadian rhythm in these energy reserves. So at different zeitgeber times (including 0 (24), 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20) of 16 hour photophase and 8 hour scotophase in 24 hour circadian cycle, the amount of energy reserves were determined by freezing the insectat these time points. The results showed a similar trend for all different energy reserves withone distinct peak at ZT16,howeverglycogen had two distinct peaks (another peak in ZT4). Maybe defensive mechanism in insect for diazinon storage in energy reserve resources and banish it from the site of action, is the reason of appearance this distinct peak at the most sensitive time to diazinon.
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