New finding of the genus Aradophagus (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) from Iran

عنوان دوره: دومین کنگره بین المللی حشره شناسی ایران
Some specimens of the family Platygastridae were collected by second author from East-Azerbaijan provinces during 2011 to 2013, via a Malaise traps. Among the collected speciman from Marand and Khosroshah several platygastrid wasps were found. It belongs to the genus Aradophagus Ashmead, that has not been reported from Iran. This genus with very striking and remarkable characters belongs to the subfamily Scelioninae with owing to 12-jointed antennae in both sexes, the shapes of gaster and its peculiar wings. The most important characters for the genus are as follow: Body of most species elongate, moderately to considerably depressed dorsoventrally, eye glaborous or with short hairs, POL always longer than LOL, cheek striate or not, antennal formula 12-12, female antenna with 5 segmented slender clava, scutellum strongly transverse, usually narrow and strip- like, flattened and level with mesoscutum and metanotum; fore wing usually with 1 or 2 dark transverse bands; hind wing with complete submarginal vein; metasoma moderately to strongly flattened, T2 or T3 the longest and widest terga; T1 usually trapezoid with dense, strong percurrent, longitudinal striae, T1 often lighter than rest of metasoma; T7 (abdominal 8 +9) in female external, sclerotized, with cerci, extruded with ovipositor in eversible tuble during oviposition; sexes in some species strongly dichromatic, female light-coloured and males dark- coloured. It was identified under Aradophagus trjapitzini (Masner & Huggert, 1979) that is new record for Iran. Previously it had been known from South Africa, Europe, Central Asia, Australia and America. Currently 11 species of Aradophagus have been described worldwide. Information based on all species indicated that members of Aradophagus prefer dry to arid habitats, but the hosts of Aradophagus are not known. Finding the first positive host record as well as habits for any species of Aradophagus remains a challenge. Some of most important morphological charcaters of Aradophagus trjapitzini are as follow: Notauli developed, sulciform and abbreviated anteriorly; OOL distinctly shorter than LOL; fore wing with single dark zone; propodeum below spiracle largely rugulose; mesoscutum between notauli coriaceous; frons only finely coriaceous.
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