Mutualistic ants (Hym. :Formicidae) of aphids (Hem.: Aphidae) in Khuzestan province

عنوان دوره: دومین کنگره بین المللی حشره شناسی ایران
Ants consume or store the honeydew which is secreted by aphids or other homopteran insects. Major benefit for aphids of ant attendance is protection against natural enemies.From 2013-2015, mutualistic ants of areal and root aphids were studied in Khuzestan, southwest Iran. For each sample, part of the infested host plant was cut off, placed in a polyethylene bag and transferred to the laboratory where it was maintained for 2 weeks at room temperature (25±5C and R.H. 45-60%) for further inspection. For root aphids, whole plants including ants were removed from the soil and the top part was cut of 5 Cm above the collar, transported to the laboratory and maintained as mentioned above. Ants and aphids were stored in 75% ethanol for further inspection.
Altogether 17 species from 11 genera and 3 subfamilies of Formicinae (9), Myrmicinae (7) and Dolichoderinae (1) were collected and identified as follow:
1)Formicinae: Camponotus oacium Forel ;Camponotus vogti, Forel; Cataglyphis livida (Andre) ;Cataglyphis nodus Brulle; Lepisiota semenovi (Ruzsky) ; PlagiolepispallescensForel ; Paratrechina flavipes Smith ; PlagiolepistauricaSantachi ; Polyrhachislacteipennis (= simplex) Smith.
2)Mirmicinae: Crematogaster sorokini Ruzsky; Monomorium abeillei Andre; Monomorium evansi Donisthorpe ;Pheidole pallidulla Nylander, Pheidole teneriffantaForel; Trichomyrmex destructor (Jerdon); Trichomyrmex mayri (Forel).
3) Dolichoderinae :Tapinoma simrothi Krausse
All the 17 collected ant species were in association with 26 aphid species of 16 genera on 35 host plantsspecies. The greatest number of collected aphid attending ants with 9 species belonged to the subfamily Formicate, while T.simrothiwas found to be the most prevalent mutualistic ant species with 23 aphid species from 11 genera on 23 host plants in 6 regions visited. L. semenovifound in association with 11 aphid species from 5 genera on 16 species of host plant in 2 out of 6 the regions visited was the second most prevalent species. All the identified ants collect honeydew and have a much closed symbiotic relationship with the aphids and protect them from their natural enemies and have side effects on biological control.The ants collect the honeydew secreted by the aphids from up to 32m. far from their nests. .Allthe specimens were deposited at Insect and Mite Collection of Ahwaz (IMCA), Plant Protection Department, College of Agriculture, ShahidChamran University of Ahvaz, Iran. The authors wish to express their sincere gratitude to Dr. Nicolas Perez Hidalgo from .Spain for identification of aphids’ specimens.
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