Identification of some pathogenic fungi of Cydalima perspectalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) pupa from Kelarabad- Mazandaran

عنوان دوره: دومین کنگره بین المللی حشره شناسی ایران
Cydalima perspectalis (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae( is a native pest of boxwood trees in Asia and the first time have been reported in some areas of Mazandaran on May 2016. The larvae feed on the leaves and bark of boxwood trees Buxus hyrcana Pojark causing severe damage to these genetically unique species of Hyrcanian forests that is still spreading. In visits during September and October 2016 pupae infected by fungi were collected from Sisara, Natural resources education center and Eram park of Kelarabad and transferred to the laboratory. Samples were placed on wet sterile filter paper inside Petri dishes. The microscopic slides were prepared using lactophenol cotton blue and were studied by compound light and phase contrast microscopes. Part of the fungi was cultured on PDA (Potato Dexterose Agar) and SDA+Y (Sabouraud Dexterose Agar+Yeast Extract) for future studies. For each isolate, 20 spores measured at the thickest part and the average was calculated. Using identification keys (Hoog 1972, Humber 1998) specimens were identified up to species level. Pure cultures of isolates were prepared and confirmation of pathogenicity of fungus suspension on the 5 days old larvae of wax moth and after that on the boxwood moth pupae were conducted. The larvae were immersed for 15 seconds in the spore suspensions and then transported into the container containing moist cotton under the temperature of 25 ±1°C. After the emergence of fungi, microscopic preparation was prepared and Koch's postulates were confirmed by the authors and expert. The isolated fungi were Beauveria bassiana, Fusarium solani and Paecilomyces lilacinus that according to the literature this is the first report of the presence of these fungi on boxwood moth pupae in Iran. These fungi can be expected as a biological control agent of this new pest.
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