Cytogenetic studies in mosquitoes: approaches and applications

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عنوان دوره: سومین کنگره بین المللی حشره شناسی ایران
Department of Medical Entomology and Parasitology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran,
Mosquito-borne infectious diseases have a devastating impact on human health. According to World malaria report 2018, there were 219 million cases, and 435000 deaths of malaria in 2017, that mostly affect children in south of Sub-Saharan Africa. Anopheles mosquitoes are important vectors of Malaria. About 444 species of Anopheles were identified which differ in the ability to transmit Malaria. Among important vector species, Anopheles gambiae is the first disease vector to have its genome sequenced, and is considered the major vector of Plasmodium falciparum in Africa. Genome sequencing provides the opportunity to use comparative genomic studies and provides opportunity for new vector based disease control. However, for every genome sequence there is a need for high quality reference genome assemblies with the help of cytogenetic mapping, so the sequencing scaffolds are assembled and anchored into chromosomes. Physical mapping using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) is crucial in creating chromosome base assemblies. There will be problems for genomic analysis if sequences remain unmapped, because unidentified gaps and misassemblies can lead to incorrect or incomplete annotation of genomic sequences. Cytogenetic studies are also essential in understanding taxonomic relationships and studying the population complexity of mosquitoes. Cytogenetic analysis of chromosomal inversion in An. gambiae complex helped to identify species complexes and elucidate their evolutionary history. In conclusion, those arthropod species who have been studied cytogenetically, could serve as a model species in efforts to map genomic sequences to chromosomes
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